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My name is Olivia, and I am the mother of a little boy and a little girl who are 18 months apart. I am passionate about topics related to pregnancy, motherhood, and parenting as a whole. Through the articles on this blog, I simply want to share my experience, my feelings as a mom, and, above all, help parents feel less guilty. I am by no means a professional, and my thoughts and experiences are not exact sciences.
L’accouchement et ton séjour à la maternité

The birth and your maternity stay

In my opinion, the most important thing is that you can have the birth you dream of, as much as possible. Whether it's without an epidural, with an epidural, or a scheduled cesarean, it's your body and your birth we're talking about.

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fausse couche


So, even if you had an early miscarriage, you have the right to be sad, to mourn that loss, and to take your time to recover.

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