Pregnancy and Its Potential Impact on Your Body
Physical appearance can be a heavy burden for many women. And during pregnancy, it's normal for the body to change. This can be difficult for some of us.
For my part, my belly wasn’t a problem because I found myself beautiful with that round belly while pregnant. But depending on the weight you gain, the kilos can go to your thighs or even your face, resulting in a lovely double chin.
For 9 months, you learn to get used to your new appearance, to embrace it. You might feel good, beautiful, or not at all, and that's okay. But after giving birth, just when you’ve (maybe) finally gotten used to your body, bam, it changes again. From a round and firm belly with no rolls, you find yourself with a flabby stomach. You know it will take time to fit back into the clothes you wore before pregnancy. For some, a little more time than others. In my case, before I got pregnant again when my son was 9 months old, I had one kilo left to lose (out of the 17 kilos gained), but I still didn't fit into all my pants because my hips stayed wider.
But don't worry, you might not take as long as I did to lose your kilos. I imagine it depends on your body type, your lifestyle, whether you exercise or not, and surely other things that still puzzle me when I see women, three months after giving birth, who have regained their pre-pregnancy weight and have a flat stomach (how lucky!).
I have always put pressure on myself about my appearance and my weight. Since my teenage years, it’s been a real issue. However, and very surprisingly, I am not stressing at all about losing my pregnancy weight. I am focused on my children, on their well-being, and I realize that there are more important things than my weight on the scale. This doesn’t mean I don’t take care of myself, but at this moment in my life, it's not a priority.
If I can give you one piece of advice, do what makes you feel good. If you're okay with living for a while with a flabby belly and a few extra kilos, or if you'd rather start working out and tone your body, the important thing is that you feel good about yourself. No pressure, listen to yourself, and do what is right for you.